Thursday, April 9, 2020

raining, again

Well I am enjoying a lazy day sense we can not go outside and work horses today. We were able to lunge Pat yesterday with a saddle on. He was a little wild but overall it went well. As far as my own rehab goes I made some positive steps yesterday. Meaning actual steps! I was able to do one lap around the kitchen walking without my walker. Today I have been trying to do a few laps every couple of hours. I hope to build my standing and walking time over the next week or so.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

My first PT apt

Well I attended my first PT appointment today. Overall it went pretty well. Starting today I am able to try to walk with the help of the walker or a crutch. Ill be going twice a week moving forward so hopefully before long I will be back to almost normal. Even better news is that I can drive again. SO when the world opens again I'll be able to get around on my own. Which is a big relief.