Monday, November 5, 2012

National Novel Writing Month

So here it is November and time for National Novel Writing Month. For those of you who have no idea what that means check out the website :)

Anyways so I have decided to really push myself this year to get my first full length novel finished. I have a novella being published in the spring so that helped spur on my desire to write a full length story. What a perfect time to do it!

As of today I have 9304 words of the goal 50,000. I'm off to a good start. Heres hoping I can hit 10,000 by tonight. Unfortunately I must focus on some house and stall cleaning right now. After that though it's right back to writing. At least until its time to head to kickboxing....

If you are participating your welcome to add me as a writing buddy. Just check out Wolfmajick :)