Thursday, April 9, 2020

raining, again

Well I am enjoying a lazy day sense we can not go outside and work horses today. We were able to lunge Pat yesterday with a saddle on. He was a little wild but overall it went well. As far as my own rehab goes I made some positive steps yesterday. Meaning actual steps! I was able to do one lap around the kitchen walking without my walker. Today I have been trying to do a few laps every couple of hours. I hope to build my standing and walking time over the next week or so.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

My first PT apt

Well I attended my first PT appointment today. Overall it went pretty well. Starting today I am able to try to walk with the help of the walker or a crutch. Ill be going twice a week moving forward so hopefully before long I will be back to almost normal. Even better news is that I can drive again. SO when the world opens again I'll be able to get around on my own. Which is a big relief.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Horse Profile: Bumblers Patriot "Pat"

Bumblers Patriot is a 15'2h 14year old Quarter Horse gelding. We have had Pat for a few years and he is a big part of our lesson program. Pat was bought by a client at the fall Heritage Farm Auction. After a few months it was discovered he wasn't the best fit and he ended up coming to live at Running Wolf Farm. Since then he has participated in a variety of shows and clinics ranging from Gymkhana to Dressage.
Recently he was diagnosed with PSSM and we are making the journey to get him as healthy and fit as possible.